Family: Solanaceae
Common Names: Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, morning-noon-and-night, Brazil raintree
Origin: woodland areas of Brazil
Type: shrub
Height: 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)
Light: Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow does best in full sun but needs some shady protection during the heat of the day to look its best. Also does well in filtered shade.
Moisture: Water regularly and don't allow to dry out completely; do not overwater
Bloom color: white - blue - violet; Violet/Lavender; White/Near White
Bloom time: blooms repeatedly
With flowers opening purple, then turning pale lavender and finally white, yesterday-today-and-tomorrow is an aptly named little shrub. The pansy-like flowers have white throats, are about 2 in (5 cm) across and borne in profuse clusters (cymes, actually) of up to 10 blossoms, displayed all over the plant. Flowers of all three colors are present from spring through the end of summer. Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow gets 3-8 ft (0.9-2.4 m) tall with several stems, an open, airy habit, and a spread of 2-5 ft (0.6-1.5 m). The leaves are leathery and semi-evergreen, 3-6 in (8-16 cm) long, dark green above and pale beneath.
Care and cultivation
Grow yesterday-today-and-tomorrow in a pot so you can bring it indoors when temperatures drop. With pruning, it can be kept to a manageable 2-3 ft (0.6-0.9 m) size. In mild climates, yesterday-today-and-tomorrow makes an attractive specimen shrub, or use it in a mixed hedge or foundation planting.
Repotting is done after they've finished flowering. The best compost for them is a mixture of two parts fibrous loam and one part each of peat, leaf mold, and sand. When the flowers have faded, the shoots should be cut back by half. Sprits the foliage with water to encourage the growth of new shoots. When these are a half-inch or so long, the plants are taken from their pots and a bit of the old soil is removed, after which, they are repotted in slightly larger pots. Pinch the tips of the shoots so they will branch. When they have formed a good supply of roots, they may be given a dilute liquid fertilizer during their season of growth. Keep the air humid by wetting the floor, benches and their foliage quite often. They need a lot of water in the summer, but less in the winter.
Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow is easily propagated from tip cuttings of new-growth taken in spring or summer. Shoots that are 2 inches long may be inserted in a propagating case in the greenhouse in June or July.
- B. (Franciscea) calycina and its varieties, eximia, floribunda, macrantha;
- B. calycina (This one and its varieties are sometimes called Yesterday-Today-and Tomorrow);
- B. americana (Lady-of-the-night);
- B. undulata;
- B. latifolia.
Articole asemănătoare
Cea mai cultivata specie este B. calycina. Aceasta creste sub forma de arbust cu coroana rara, mai mult larga, decat inalta. Are frunzele groase, lanceolate sau oval alungite, de culoare verde inchis. Florile sunt mari, au 5 petale largi, rotunjite, avad forma tubulara la baza. Culoarea florilor este schimbatoare, trecand de la violet la alb, de unde si denumirea populara.
Familie: Solanaceae. Denumire populara: Ieri-azi-maine, Dimineata-seara-noaptea. Cand se deschid, florile sunt purpurii, apoi devin de culoarea levanticai si in cele din urma albe - se poate spune deci ca Brunfelsia este...