Bouvardia ternifolia

Bouvardia ternifolia 1

Bouvardia ternifolia 2

Family: Rubiaceae
Common name: Scarlet bourvardia, Trumpetilla, Firecrackerbush, Firecracker Bush
Synonym: Bouvardia jacquinii, Bouvardia glaberrima, Bouvardia triphylla
Origin: Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico, down to Central America
Growth habit: evergreen small shrub
Height: 4 feet tall (1.8 m)
Width: to 2 feet
Sun Exposure: sun, partial shade
Watering Needs: Light water
Soil: acid, neutral

Attractive flowering shrub with neat dark green lanceolate foliage on multiple whitish-barked stems and clusters of bright red, slender, tubular flowers up to 1 1/2 inch long. Blooms early summer to fall with moisture. Good Hummingbird plant.

Bouvardia ternifolia 3

Bouvardia ternifolia 4

From May to October, scarlet bouvardia blooms continuously and profusely with clusters of striking scarlet-red, two-inch trumpet-shaped flowers at the tips of its leafy branches. Native to rocky sites in West Texas and Arizona south through Mexico, usually in mountains and canyons, it is heat and drought tolerant, but not reliably cold hardy in the northern half of Texas, where it is best used as an annual. It makes a showy accent plant, either in a pot or the landscape, and since it attracts any hummingbird in its immediate vicinity, it is a good plant to place close to patios, arbors, windows, or any viewing area. It does best in full sun or partial shade and neutral to acid soils, becoming chlorotic in the highly alkaline soils of Texas west of I-35. Light pruning to remove spent flowers will help it maintain a compact shape.

Care and cultivation
Pinch back as needed. Feed during the growth periods.

Needs medium water, requires partial shade from hot afternoon sun and well draining soil. Moderately winter hardy and protection is needed below 20 degrees. Can be used in pots.

The unscented red flowers are 1 inch long (2 cm). Many cultivars have been developed with flower color ranging from pale pink to red.

Cuttings of new shoots, or root cuttings in March.

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