Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AND" LINE 1: ...s WHERE langid=1 AND parent_id=1 AND q_usetype = AND status... ^ in /var/www/html/lib/classes/cdb.class.php on line 40

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ORTOGEL HERBAL Pret: 23.00 Are proprietati revulsive de stimulare a circulatei periferice. Traumatisme (fracturi, luxatii, entorse, hematoame, intinderi musculare, tendinite, miozite, sinovite, bursite, fasceite), tromboflebita, boli reumatice degenerative (gonartroza, coxartroza), boli reumatice inflamatorii (poliartrita reumatoida), contractura musculaturii paravertebrale dupa stres prelungit sau efort fizic sustinut, status post operator precoce, imobilizari prelungite post interventii chirurgicale ortopedice, viroze respiratorii, pneumopatii, sindroame febrile de diverse cauze.

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