Portland Classical Chinese Garden
Lan Su Yuan, Garden of Awakening Orchids
Just the seed of an idea in 1985, the Portland Classical Chinese Garden opened in September 2000. The Classical Chinese Garden is a Ming Dynasty - style garden providing walk-ways, bridges, open colonnades and views that are never the same twice.
Inside you can find the following attractions and works of art: Courtyard of Tranquility, Hall of Brocade Clouds, Knowing the Fish Pavilion, Reflections in Clear Ripples, Fragrance Courtyard, Scholar's Courtyard, Celestial Hall of Permeating Fragrance, Flowers Bathing in Spring Rain, Moon Locking Pavilion, Tower of Cosmic Reflections, and finally the Painted Boat in Misty Rain.
The Garden is a masterpiece on many levels. The walled garden in Portland's Chinatown replicates the Suzhou gardens found in Suzhou, Portland's sister city in China. It features the five elements essential to a Chinese garden: water, stone, architecture, literature, and plants. The design embodies the Chinese philosophy of the duality of nature. The buildings represent the order of Confucian thought and the landscape represents the Taoist view of chaotic nature. When these are balanced, harmony results.
Water, like the wise man, does only what is natural. The lake invites contemplation. The rocks represent mountains and are coarse with wrinkled surfaces, like the beautiful face of a wise old person. The pavilions' leak windows leak ever-changing views. Poetry as inscribed on rocks, screens, and plaques hint at another time and place. Each plant symbolizes a person or trait; and, although plants may seem to be randomly placed, they have meaning by virtue of position.
The garden unfolds myriad views to the visitor, but experiences in the garden include all the senses, the sound of rain dripping on a banana leaf, the fragrance of wintersweet, the changing sensation with each footstep on the mosaic stone paths.
The collaboration that created the Garden is as intricate and exquisite as this all - season, all - weather Garden. Design teams from China and the US meshed ancient construction methods with current construction codes. Suzhou shipped 500 tons of rock from Lake Tai with 60 craftsmen and two designers to ensure authenticity. Horticulturists and nurseries combed the area for the correct plants; many donated by enthusiasts.
The outcome is an urban oasis defined by sheer beauty and quiet harmony, within the hue and cry of the city.
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